Wednesday, June 13, 2007

True Confession

I watched Xanadu last night for the first time in years, and it was as bad as I remembered it. If there's ever a blueprint needed for all that was bad about the 80's, this movie is it.

And yet...I liked it.

The music - some of it, anyway - still holds up. Olivia Newton John remains the definition of White-Bread-Sexiness. The musical interlude in the middle of the film combining 40's swing with 80's synth holds up very well (and any movie with "Fee" Waybill in it deserves some cred).

And, finally, there's Gene Kelly. Yes, he's old and yes, you're wondering why in the world he'd agree to do this film (which was his last), but it doesn't matter. He's Gene Kelly and even in this POS, he's still got it.

All of which reminds me that there are a number of good/bad movies from the era that will probably be the subject of a future post. In the meantime, tell me if you have any movies that - as bad as they are - you can't help but watch them.

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