Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What's In a Name?

Over at the Washington Post, Monica Hesse looks at one of the obstacles to Fred Thompson's presidential aspirations - namely, his, um, name: (h/t Best of the Web)

In the swampy soup of hopefuls for the 2008 presidential election, there is a man with a funny name. (No, not that one.)

We're thinking of the one named Fred (Thompson).

Say it out loud. Do it. Fred. Fred. In the South, Fray-ud.


It has the tonal quality of something being dropped on the floor, something heavy and damp-ish.

Waterlogged paper towel.


The phonetics of the name seem integral to its image problem: On, a "Fred" is defined as "a person who does stupid, annoying, or idiotic things" (Fred Flintstone, Fred Mertz). The best-case descriptors a Fred can hope for are terms like well-intentioned, predictable, benign (Fred Rogers).

Clearly, Ms. Hesse is going for the funny here, but as James Taranto points out, she might have chosen a different source, or has she looked up's definition of her first name lately? You can find it here.

With that in mind, I decided to look up other potential presidential first names: Rudy, Mitt, Hillary, and, of course, Obama.

You know, by this yardstick, that Rudy guy might have some potential.

You can look up your name here.


Michele said...

Way cool!!!

1. Michele

Synonymous to name: Michelle Feminine of Michael; "who is like God"
Made popular by The Beatles in their song, "Michelle Ma Belle". Characterized by global definition. Hard to find nametags bearing said name. Diligent, equally curious, sensitive and chocoholics, given to extreme loyalty, and generosity.

Michele's brother is named Michael.

Gaucho said...

Hmmm, chocoholic. Me likee!