Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weather Report

When you blog you often find out about certain things faster than you would otherwise.

Take the weather, for instance.

The last few days here in Vermont have been pretty nasty - wet, humid, drippy - the kind of days where just moving around makes it seem as if you have a runny faucet stuck in your head. Yet, when I read James Lileks (who blogs from Minnesota), he's been saying that it's in the low 70's and feels more like fall than summer. Hence, I know what's coming.

And today, thank goodness, it's arrived. The sun is shining, the air is relatively dry, and it looks like a perfect day to do something outdoors like tending a garden, playing golf or just going for a walk. In Vermont, you have to take advantage of those days when you get them because we only get around 50 completely sunny days a year (on average) and half of those are when it's -10, so...

Of course, I have to work but I will, at least, be outdoors for a good part of it.

Still, it's only early July so the wet, humid, drippy stuff will be back - yes, Virginia, it does get nasty up here, even in the summertime. In fact, there are times when I prefer the cold, freezing temps of winter to the dreary, buggy humidity of summer. Everything gets clammy; your sheets stick to you, your clothes feel like the dryer quit halfway through its cycle, the floors sweat, making it dangerous to walk in the kitchen or bathroom, and the carpet absorbs so much moisture that any past feline or human indiscretion comes back to haunt your nose like Marley's Ghost.

Yes, a dehumidifier or air-conditioner would help but I can't afford the first and the second would have to be professionally installed, owing to the fact that I live in a town home that has a home owner's association that can't bear the thought of seeing the arse end of an AC unit sticking out of a tenant's window, so...

But today, it's truly, awesomely gorgeous. I'd better take a few minutes to enjoy it before it passes.


Michele said...

I'm quite fond of sticky sheets :)

Gaucho said...

Only for the right reasons, of course. :)