Friday, August 18, 2006

The Royal Spam

Scott Adams notes the poor quality of the spam he's been receiving:

Are these guys even TRYING? I have some respect for the spam with subject lines such as “From Bob” or “quick question.” Those are good attempts. If I’m not paying attention, I might even open one of those. But who opens a message titled “Re: NEW age of good old PENPILs.Scientists says YES!”?

I would agree that most spam is ridiculously easy to spot - except for Yahoo Spamguard, apparently, which never seems to get any better no matter how many bogus emails I forward to it. I would also agree with the notion that some idiot somewhere will open them, no matter how stupid they are, but what bothers me is not the quality of spam but the quantity of it.

Yesterday, I downloaded this app to my desktop. This morning I had no fewer than forty spam emails at the address I'd given them. When I went to uninstall the program, the first thing that showed up was a survey, asking me why I wanted to get rid of it. The very first listed reason for me to check was "I'm receiving too many unwanted (spam) emails".

Gee, you think?

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